Just a quick note to capture some of the difficulties I had yesterday getting a react project to sync between my two machines.
There’d been trouble getting the github repo sorted anyway - multiple deletions and re-creations, and two more yesterday - for reasons I can’t properly understand.
Had somehow gotten a filepath nested into a folder as a submodule (I barely know what this means) and none of the online suggestions I found fixed it.
I ended up deleting the whole remote repo, recreating it, deleting the .git directory locally and starting ‘from scratch’. Then I had to delete and clone the repo on my other machine. Ballache.
I did learn how to use .gitignore
(I think).
$ touch .gitignore
$ echo node_modules >> .gitignore
Other than node I’m not sure what else I should be gitignoring.
Oh, and I got multiple compile errors with the project on my laptop because I hadn’t installed webpack, react, react-dom, webserver or plugins in the new repo I’d created locally. This shows my basic lack of comprehension of the mechanics of what’s going on, but hey-ho. I’m trying.
Acual react coding stuff, that’s a whole other subject. Separate post for that.