Wednesday, 1 March 2017

React Structure

Been working on react for a few weeks now. My project is the cards-face-down-memory-game. Feels Iike I’ve been making no progress for forever… but of course I have.


I got some insight into what the container app’s state is all about. And Tom confirmed for me that my original concept - that each component of the app should only deal with the logic and state data it needs to - was correct.

This notion of functional and presenational containers must just not be particularly appropriate to my chosen project and level of complexity.

I used youtube to share a link to gomix. It was not good but I thought hey, I need to expose myself in public.


It feels super-ugly to me to have a bunch of class functions that are chained togther just to produce the initial state. I think relegating them to helper functions is the way to go; cleaner code and it lets me get started with TDD.